Monday, January 5, 2015

Week One Meal Ideas

A lot of us have jobs and need to have a fast but healthy breakfast, then we only get 30 minutes break at work and need to go to the quickest fast food spot or heat up a frozen dinner loaded with sodium and but the time we get home from work we need to figure out what to make for dinner and then again we either heat up a frozen dinner, order out or swing by a fast food place on the way.

Well ill say this first, these meal ideas are to help make your choices easier but the commitment sometimes isn't easy. Especially if this is a transition you haven't made before. Luckly there are plenty of affordable and time consuming options.

I like to cook things in threes. Im not a major meal prep person because I like to have my food as fresh as possible 7 meals in advance chillin in my fridge isn't for me. Three days ahead I can do.

Breakfast Ideas:

2-3 hard boiled eggs, half grapefruit and some green tea. ( trader joes has pre boiled eggs that come in handy if you need to eat breakfast on the go.) I like to add a little hot sauce to mine and stevia to my grapefruit.

1 slice of ezeikeil bread (any kind I like raisin) with a table spoon of almond butter and half a banana on the side or on top! its great :)

1/3 cup of oatmeal with some fresh berries, almond milk (unsweetend), stevia and cinnamon

3 egg whites one whole egg scrambled mixed with vegetables of your choice and some hot sauce. (this is probably one of the best) slice some avocado on tip.

Morning snacks:

the other half of your banana from the a.m. and table spoon of raw sun flower seeds, almonds or walnuts.

quest bar

pineapple and some mixed berries with organic string cheese ( i like to cut out dairy the first week but this is fine)

table spoon of almond butter with an apple


I like to pre make about 3 chicken breast or 3 99% lean turkey patties.

chicken with broccoli, spinach and some hot sauce.

ground turkey patty with zucchini pasta

shrimp with zucchini pasta and earth balance butter is one of my favorite lunches you can get a Veggeti on amazon aka vegetable spaghetti. I love this thing and it makes the meal more fun.

Salad with chicken/tuna/turkey/avocado any vegetables you like and some oil and vinegar or any dressing you choose thats healthy. I like brags liquid amino acids and hot sauce.

any of the previous will do


Dinner is the smallest meal for me.

I like roasted vegetables with some chicken or turkey

Cauliflower mash with some protein is also great

For this I just say Protein and a Vegetable.

Frozen veggies are convenient and you can use one of your pre cooked proteins. (if you make more than 3 free your protein so they last longer)

dinner is a hard one for me because its typically the same.

hope this gives you a little idea for week one on what you can eat so you don't feel like you are a little bird. lol


Please keep me updated with your progress!


  1. I have been following you on YT but had no idea you had a blog too. I find that I tend to have to get my meals organised the night before or I end up with a meal deal at work (sandwich, crisps & pop) however, I like the idea of boiled eggs for a breakfast / snack. Nut butters have been a saving grace since I started clean eating too, especially with apples. Thanks for the inspo :D

    1. thank you so much for following me on watching my videos. i still haven't gotten the full hang of the blog thing but I am going to do more :)

  2. I love your Youtube channel :-) When you lost the 20 lbs in 20 days how many days a week did you exercise and for how long?
