Friday, April 11, 2014

I've been drinkin..... WATERMELON..

Hey guys,
Are you ready for the best spring/summer cocktails that are all natural and lower in calories and sugar and GREAT tasting.. ? Ok good.

I've made this a couple of times for peoples birthdays and parties and without fail people love it every time... This occasion I'm celebrating my 24th birthday early with my close friend and we decided to ditch some of the calories as well as the processed junk in juice and drink mixers.

(If you are under the age of 21 just skip the alcohol)

you can do this a couple of ways so I'll give you the options. Please comment below letting me know if you give this a try and what you think.
(always remember you can get creative and work with what you have add or subtract things you think may be better for you)

Pineapple or Watermelon
Fresh Jalapeño
Fresh Lemon (lemon juice, or organic lemon aid)
if you opt for fresh lemon juice you'll need some agave or stevia.
I used Ciroc coconut vodka but I've used tequila and salted the rim before for a margarita.

I used mason jars for fun and decoration but any glass or cup will work perfectly.
thinly slice some watermelon or pineapple and place in the cup.
Add 3 thin slices of jalapeño also.
Add a drop of your lemon juice or organic lemon aid (if you use lemon juice add agave or stevia to taste)
And then Muddle them with sturdy spoon or anything you can squish them down with lol
add larger chucks of your fruit and a few more slices of jalapeño.
add 1 1/2 shot of your vodka or tequila.
 Mix back and forth between two cups to evenly distribute the flavors.
Pour over ice and serve right away. Or leave over night to get a better spicy-sweet drink.

If you are someone who wants a mild drink take the jalapeño's out after you muddle them and get the spiciness you want.

if you keep them in the fridge over night you wont need ice but if you serve rigth away add some ice.

sending positive vibes your way.

- Vanessa

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